Backed by Tulsi Pocket Books, a popular publishers of Hindi novels in India, and backed by an established and vast customer base of the novels, Tulsi comics shut down in 2004, but after creating some of India's most famous and cherished superheroes.
Another reason for Tulsi Comics failure was that they produced story arcs in a minimum of 2–3 parts, and they never usually gave a complete story in a single issue. Since most of the comic readers in India are children who had limited pocket money, this practice ultimately backfired, and it lost popularity among its reader base. Chief among these was a huge story arc of Jambu spanning several comics lasting for more than a year.
Though this whole series was among the best Tulsi has ever offered creatively, this long continuing series, along with introducing a lot of new characters like Yosho who was blessing of God sun (formerly advertised as Osho), Yoga, Baaz and Mr. India led to its death. The new characters were just not as exciting and older characters were multi-part stories.
Tulsi comics character "Jambu" was their most successful character, created by a Ved Prakash Sharma, followed by Angara and Tausi
Extra Comics
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